Field Trip Report: New England Written by: Steve Bonney
Gene at the Waisanen Quarry, Greenwood On day six we headed to Newry, Maine and various quarries and prospects atop Plumbago Mountain. It was extremely windy on the mountain.
Gene works the dumps below the Dunton Quarry at Newry.
Twin Tunnels or Nevel Quarry, Newry Fortunately, I occasionally remember to look up when rock hounding. This is especially important at Newry because the views from Plumbago Mountain were awesome. This is the view from the Twin Tunnels’ Dumps.
The Bell Pit, Newry, best known for a host of rare minerals.
Eosphorite, Newry
Hydroxylherderite and albite, Newry
Tourmaline, Newry I love vuggy cleavelandite for all the nice little surprises one can find inside, such as this color zoned tourmaline and associated apatite crystal. I’ll get around to cleaning it up eventually.
Octahedral pyrite on Albite, Newry
Unknown awaiting identification from Newry. Regardless of what it is-I like it! Day seven, sadly my last day in Maine for 2010, was at Mt. Mica in Paris, Maine. I left Gene digging deep as I headed out on the long trip home.
Tourmaline, Mt. Mica
Tourmaline, Mt. Mica Thanks to Mary Groves and the other staff at the Poland Mining Camp for memories (and specimens) that will last a lifetime. Roundtrip mileage for this rockhound ended up being 2,458. Every mile was worth it. Hope I can do it again soon. |