One of the neat things about this site are the "self healed" quartz crystals. There are literally thousands of them in the dirt and dump piles. Self healed quartz can make nice specimens with the unusual patterns and faces that are displayed. The proper term for this occurrence is, "Crystallographic Continuity" The following is part of an article I did in a 2006 Rock & Gem explaining the self healed quartz from Diamond Hill, the same thing applies here.
"The self healed areas actually added to the overall appearance of certain pieces. This "healing" is called "crystallographic continuity". When some type of geologic movement took place in the pocket during the crystallization process, the crystal tip or whole crystal would be knocked loose from the specimen. The crystallization process would continue for some time afterwards. When the process was finished, where the original crystal sat, there were now hundreds to thousands of tiny crystal faces all oriented in the same direction as the original damaged crystal, sort of like "natures band aid"
This same type of geologic movement must have taken place at the Burgin Mine. Many of the crystals seem to have some type of healing.
This site is going to be a great place for clubs to visit for years to come. Thanks to Waylan Burgin for allowing us to collect on his property. A perfect season ending for the MAGMA club. See you all next year on a dig!
P.S. Thanks Rick B. for all the hotdog's!!!
More pics:
Rob Whaley specimen and pic.
Carl Rogers specimens and pics.
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