Fieldtrip Report:

Diamond Hill Mine,
Antreville, S.C.
Documentary Report,
Smoky Amethyst Crystals,
October 21st-November 2005

photos by: Lee Fleming, Whitney Kirk, Rick Jacquot

Following are a few pics of one of my favorite specimens collected, it is a complex multi tipped double terminated cluster of smoky quartz crystals, it measures 4.5" long x 3" wide, one of the nicest double terminated specimens I have ever collected from Diamond Hill.

Smoky cluster with large crystals.

Phantom zones in largest crystal on above cluster.

The next pictures are of a specimen that is different from all the others, the crystals are smaller than the large dark smokies, but bigger than the typical cloudy smokies, these are a pale gray color, very clear and have phantom zones that are hard to see against the paler crystal color:

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