Field Trip
Glendon Pyrite,
Burgin Quartz Mine
September 24th and 25th, 2011
Photos by: Rick Jacquot, Paula Turner, Shaun Shelton,
Rick Bernotas, Jesse Sackett, Clare Owens,
Ron Maddox
The MAGMA club had an awesome two days out in eastern NC last week!
We started off at one of our favorites, the Glendon pyrite mine. Many beautiful specimens of pyrite and fluorite were collected. It had looked like rain for a few days before the trip and even the day of the trip, but we lucked out and no rain. It was actually pretty dry and everyone had a great time. Despite the nasty weather forecast, we still had well over 100 people show from our list of 120.
Adrian, Jim and Tom
Andrea and Layla
Tom with a nice matrix specimen.
Rick B's pyrite.
Above, some of Ron's pyrite.
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