Graves Mountain Open House
Lincolnton, Georgia
April 24th-27th, 2008

photos by: Rick Jacquot

Saturday afternoon, we gathered the MAGMA members who weren't down in the pit to present Junior with a plaque. After all he has been through the past few months trying to keep the mountain open from the incidents of past fall, we thought he deserved something special. Pete Mailman designed the Certificate Of Appreciation that we presented to Junior on behalf of MAGMA and all the other rockhounds out there that have benefited from his generosity over the years.


Melissa and Junior Norman.

MAGMA had a blast at the Open House and we are looking forward to October and the next event on the mountain. Once again, thank you to Junior Norman for all the work he and his family and friends put into this bi-annual event. See you in the fall!

American Rockhound