Graves Mountain Open House Photos by: This report is to document another fantastic Open House at Graves Mountain in Georgia. This famous location has been visited for years by local rockhounds to collect its rutile, lazulite, iridescent hematite, kyanite and a number of other rare and unusual minerals. As always, a big THANK YOU goes out to Junior Norman and his family for continuing to have these Open House digs so everyone can come enjoy the mountain. The Open House is a great way for those rockhounds with limited mobility or health problems to enjoy collecting at this site. It is also good for small children who cannot stand the long walk into the mine. Junior has numerous golfcarts running people and their tools and equipment back and forth all day during the dig, as well as porta john facilities placed in the various pits and at the parking area. Many members of the MAGMA club and other rockhounds arrived Thursday to get an early start on the weekend fun. Some of us camped at Elijah Clark park while others stayed at the local motels for the weekend. Over 60 MAGMA members came to enjoy the weekend fun as well as hundreds of other rockhounds from all over the country.
Hanging out at Junior's booth.
Melissa getting ready for the lunch rush.
Junior had this deluxe golfcart at the mountain this year.
Charlie set up in the shade to keep cool.
Charlie showing off an unusual rutile with a gold iridescent section on its backside.
Early morning at the MAGMA booth.
Mark Gaskins was set up selling his staffs and mineral specimens. It was great to see him getting better and having fun. |