Fieldtrip Report:

Ligon Beryl Mine,
Amelia County, Virginia
April 30th, 2005
by Lee Fleming


Jim Ellis toting a boulder to his car.

Annie Woods with her new rockhammer.

Roseanna and Ed.

Fist size hunk of beryl found by Lee Fleming.

Beryl in matrix.

Beryl crystal.

About the middle of the afternoon, several of us decided to travel to the Moorefield Mine which is located about 30 minutes from the Ligon Mine. This mine is known for it's abundance of amazonite. Before I left, I could see that the MAGMA members were finding their share of this beautiful green rock.
Take it easy,



I want to thank our new MAGMA members Donald and Judy Lloyd for setting up this trip and leading the group to the mine for a fun day of collecting, and also Lee for taking the time to write up this report and take the pics, thanks guys, Rick




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