2007 Annual Mountain Area Gem and Mineral Association M.A.G.M.A. Club Picnic
October 14th, 2007

Jerry and I made the mistake of dressing alike. Since we are both "stud divers" it was hard to tell us apart wearing the same clothes. (I am the one with the keys hanging from my belt, Jerry is holding the drink cup)

Tena and Beth

Mary and Bill with their Granddaughter.

Some of Rich's shark teeth he brought to share with us.

Rich's cluster of quartz crystal from JXR.

Andrea showing off some of her finds from Marion.

Roxy and Tena

Geriatric Jerry rock hunting, diving has ruined him!

Tena and her estranged (strange) husband John.

We had fun!, did you have fun?, sorry, the picnics over till next year...