Mason Farm Staurolite Prospect
October, 2012
Photos by; Rick Bernotas, Rick Jacquot, Wayne Williams
The Grand opening of the Mason Farm Staurolite site was a huge success! We had right at 100 members throughout the weekend come to dig with us. There is no shortage of staurolite crystals at this site. I collected two big coffee cans full of X's and crosses. I high graded and left a few thousand on the hill that others grabbed. The site is covered in crystals and everyone that came went home with plenty.
Christian Cross found by Mitch.
Field camping area
Me and Mitch camped on top of the hill.
Matt getting the machine ready for the weekend.
Rick B's camp and some of his finds.
Chelle and rockhound
Sue and her son hunting crystals.
Brian and his new rockhound friend.
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