Fieldtrip Report:

Mason Mountain Mine,
Franklin, N.C.
August 19th, 2006

I had been contacted about a week ago by a local reporter who wanted to do an article on me and my book and Rockhounding in Western North Carolina, at first we were going to go on a trip alone to do some rockhunting, then I told him about the M.A.G.M.A club, how we are the largest and most active gem and mineral club in Western North Carolina and the southeast, he was intrigued that we have members who show up routinely from all over the southeast to dig with us almost every weekend. I explained that we are like a huge extended family that all share the same interest in rocks and minerals, as well as being the best of friends. I thought a story about the club and how we interact would be much more interesting than just me talking about rocks and how to dig them up. Freeman and his photographer Caroline joined us for the day at the Mason Mine. I'll let the club know when the article will be coming out and get us some copies.

Freeman interviewing Richard about gem hunting.


Old trackhoe at the mine.

Savannah and a nice specimen.



Jim and Pete

A big thanks to Peter Mailman for bringing more M.A.G.M.A. window stickers and some very nice club bumper stickers also, thanks Pete!

Jims specimen.


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