Fieldtrip Report:

Morefield Mine,
Ligon Mine,
Amelia County, Va.
September 30th and October 1st, 2006

photos by: Cathy Clouser and Lee Fleming,
text: Lee Fleming

Our trip to the Morefield began by some of our members collecting surface material and by using the available water flume. From the parking lot, you could look down on the collecting sites and the primary mine shaft.

About 1:00 PM, an announcement was made that anyone who wanted to go on a mine tour should gather at the sales office to begin their safety instrutions. For over thirty minutes, Mr. Sam Dunaway instructed us on safety issues relating to touring the mine.

Sam Dunaway

The whole time of these instructions, there was a bit of apprehension in the air. Finally, after attaching all of the required equipment, we approached the vertical mine shaft entrance. At this point, there was a mine tour guide and several of our club and another clubs members standing by the ladder. As it became our time to enter the ladder to go into the mine, two of our group elected not to go down. It's too bad that they missed the tour; but I can appreciate their concern about climbing down a ladder 61 feet into the earth.

Brian and Cathy ready for the big adventure.

Lee, ready to take the plunge!

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