Fieldtrip Report: New England Trip By Lawrence Davis and Steve Bonney
Another Simpson Quarry torbernite specimen.
On day two we tried our luck at the Case Quarries in Portland, Connecticut. Collecting here, on state property, requires a permit, which Lawrence obtained for the M.A.G.M.A. group. Here, Lawrence, Joe, Bob and others work the dumps at the 3rd set of Case Quarry dumps.
Lawrence working what turned out to be the beryl honey hole at the Case Quarries.
A portion of Lawrence’s finds from his honey hole.
A large partial beryl crystal found by Bob.
Lawrence’s fine Case Quarry beryl specimen.
Nice golden beryl found by Lawrence.
Case Quarry golden beryl found by Lawrence. Beryl crystals here often taper from one end to the other. This is a complete, terminated crystal and was Lawrence’s prize find of the day.
Case Quarry beryl is especially common along the contact zone of the pegmatite with the country rock. Note the change in grain size on this specimen from right (contact) to left (pegmatite interior).
A fine Case Quarry columbite specimen found by Lawrence. Many of the columbite crystals found at the Case Quarry are acicular (needle-shaped) and iridescent. From the 1st set of Case Quarry dumps.
The Case Quarries are well known for several bismuth group minerals found there. Lawrence found this nice bismutite specimen on smoky quartz. |