Photos by: Richard Jacquot, Ken Brandt, Hilton Freed, Troy Lancaster, Jerry Creasman, Tony Jones, Ryan Kearney, Lee Fleming
Then it was time for the Saturday feast!
As always, we had a ton of great food and great friends to share it with.
A quiet camp after the feast.
A couple of specimens I traded with Dave for, above, the corundum snowman from Big Shaft Mine, Buck Creek area, below, the 27 pound "World's Ugliest Sapphire" from the Cateye Cut area.
Sunday morning, most everyone was gone by 11:00 a.m. I sat and watched Dave load his cool utility trailer, my favorite kind of trailer, a boat!
All clear and ready and waiting for us next year...
As always we had another fantastic roundup, some say this may be the best one we have had yet, I agree. I want to thank everyone that helped out with this event. Jim for providing his cabbing machine to teach others how to cut stones, Rick B. for his knapping demonstrations, Ken for his program on astronomy. Everyone who brought all the great food to share with the members, not just at the big meal, but all week long. Special thanks to those that stayed and helped me clean the grounds and pavilion after the roundup was over. Thanks to all the members I made trades with. A big thank you to Dave Boring for hauling my 200+ pound boulder of smaragdite with ruby off Chunky Gal Mountain and delivering it to me at the roundup! And extra special thanks to everyone that attended and took the time off to spend a week with their rockhound friends at the roundup, without you, we would not be able to have this great event!
See you all next year!!!
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