Mitchell County, North Carolina
Abernathy Mica Mine

The Abernathy Mica Mine located in Mitchell County, North Carolina was mined off and on from the late 1800's through the early 1960's. The main entrance to the mine is located on private property and no collecting is allowed. The lower workings are near a river on railroad property and can be accessed by walking approximately 1.5 miles south on the tracks from a point where the tracks intersect Roses Branch Road near the town of Bandana, N.C.

Entrance to the lower workings of the Abernathy Mine.

Electric cable hoist covered in debris in the mine.

Vertical shaft in the floor, very hard to see and very dangerous, about a 30 foot drop into the shaft which is full of water.

A view from the inside looking out.

Moth living in the mine.

You may still find veins of red rum mica in the mine.

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