Indy Jones Trading Company

We Want YOU, To Come Dive With Us!

Cooper River
Charleston S.C.
July 13th - 18th, 2009

photos by: Robert Kyle, Rick Jacquot, Andy Tripp and Jerry Fortenberry

More of my stuff:

Above: Hand sized section of a mammoth elephant tooth.

Shark tooth, Button tooth, C. megalodon

Snaggletooth shark tooth, Hemipristis serra.

Tiger shark, Galeocerdo aduncus.

Mako shark, Isurus hastalis.

My favorite tooth of the week is this juvenile C. megalodon shark tooth. It measures 1.75" on edge. It is neat to look at it and think that this shark was probably 10 feet long when it was born, it lost this tooth soon afterwards.

Another week on the Cooper River with friends, new and old, can't wait till the next trip!
