Field Trip Report:


New England
August 2010

Written by:  Steve Bonney
Photos by:  Steve Bonney and Lawrence Davis

Lawrence decided to work his way to the water table at Scribner Ledge.  He said it came in handy to wash off rocks.

Beryl exposed in the wall at Scribner Ledge.       

Large partial microcline crystal at Scribner Ledge.  It would have looked great in the yard, but it was way too heavy and I needed the room in the truck for my other treasures.

Classic  “train wreck” beryl from Scribner Ledge, broken and healed multiple times.

     Beryl pieces and parts, Scribner Ledge.

Beryl, Scribner Ledge

Day four was spent at the Havey Quarry in Poland, Maine, which produced this apatite and tourmaline specimen.

Tabular Havey Quarry blue apatite

Tourmaline, Havey Quarry

Blue tourmaline, Havey Quarry

Day five found us at the Bennett Quarry in Buckfield, Maine.  Lawrence had to leave us, but several of us checked out the Waisanen and Tamminen Quarries in Greenwood, Maine after collecting at the Bennett.

Apatite, albite and cookeite, Bennett Quarry

Cookeite and quartz, Bennett Quarry

Micro tourmaline, albite and cookeite, Bennett Quarry

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