Crystal Dig Report: Diamond
Hill Machine Dig! Report by: Rick Jacquot Photos by: Sandi Hill and Rick Jacquot At the end of October 2008, Chet Karwoski and a team of local diggers conducted another machine dig in Antreville S.C. at the famous Diamond Hill Quartz Prospect. We had hit into an amazing pocket of amethyst and smoky quartz back in the April 2008 machine dig and we were hoping to again make some great finds. We were not disapointed! The dig began on October 28th, we uncovered the pit from our previous dig and immediately began finding the same large amethyst crystals and clusters as we did in April.
Don Brockway and Chet Karwoski
Romin, Bryan and Gina working the pit.
Jim Haege with a big cluster!
Dave Smith in the pit
Read Miner and Mark Randle working the pit.
Vel, Romin and Chet eyeball a promising spot.
Don with a nice plate of manganese covered amethyst.
Chet with some amethyst plates. |