Fieldtrip Report:

Tom’s Mica Dig
Morefield Mine,
Wayne’s Amethyst Dig,
Amelia County & Other Locations in Virginia
November 9 th, 10th, and 11th, 2007

photos by: Lee Fleming,
text: Lee Fleming

Finally, at the end of the 61 foot shaft, we were surprised to find that the mine owner was allowing us to go through recently dug mine material. The worker who was shoveling the material into the tram bucket moved aside and let us scrape through the rocks in a pile at the end of the shaft. After a few minutes he handed us a wash hose to make our looking a bit easier. Boy what a great opportunity to have been given by Mr. Dunaway.

After a lengthy tour of the mine, we then began the long climb up the ladders to the surface.

As a last activity at the mine entrance, we stood together and had our picture taken to keep the memory of the mine tour with us.

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